Fully accredited certification for BODYCOMBAT

Important to read
Module 1 Introduction to BODYCOMBAT
Lecture 2 How many calories do you burn doing BODYCOMBAT ?
Lecture 3 What exercise do you do during BODYCOMBAT?
Lecture 4 Does BODYCOMBAT really get results?
Lecture 5 How fit you need to be?
Lecture 6 How often should you do BODYCOMBAT?
Lecture 7 What do you need for a BODYCOMBAT workout?
Lecture 8 Five(5) Benefits
Lecture 9 BODYCOMBAT and Confidence and self-esteem
Lecture 10 BODYCOMBAT and Better sleep
Lecture 11 BODYCOMBAT and mental health
Lecture 12 BODYCOMBAT safety
Lecture 13 9 Tips for beginners
Module 2 Basic BODYCOMBAT movements:
Lecture 1 Jab Learning video and practice
Lecture 2 Cross learning video and practice
Lecture 3 Hook learning video and practice
Lecture 4 Uppercut learning video and practice
Lecture 5 Defensive move or technique Roll learning video and practice
Module 3 Variation of basic movements
Lecture 1 Variation of jab and cross learning video and practice
Lecture 2 Variation of uppercut and shuffles learning video and practice
Lecture 3 Variation of jab and cross, uppercut and shuffle learning video and practice
Lecture 4 Variation of jamping jakes and side kick learning video and practice
Lecture 5 Variation of knee, lunge reverse, front kick and fast feet learning video and practice
Lecture 6 Variation of hooks and uppercuts learning video and practice
Lecture 7 Variation of hooks and uppercuts, mountain climbers and plank jakes learning video and practice
Lecture 8 Variations of front kick, jump kick, side kick and squat learning video and practice
Lecture 9 Variations of jab, uppercut, roll and cross learning video and practice
Lecture 10 Variations of knee pumps, hook and
uppercut, jab cross hook and knee learning video and practice
Module 4 Other moves included in workout
Lecture 1 Side kick learning video and practice
Lecture 2 Jump kick learning video and practice
Lecture 3 Front kick learning video and practice
Lecture 4 Knee pumps - cardio abs learning video and practice
Lecture 5 Plank jacks learning video and practice
Lecture 6 Mountain climbers learning video and practice
Lecture 7 Squats with legs open outwards learning video and practice
Lecture 8 Jumping Jakes learning video and practice
Lecture 9 Lunge reverse learning video and practice
Lecture 10 Fast feet learning video and practice
Lecture 11 Shuffles learning video and practice
Module 5 Combos
Combo 1 no music practice video
Combo 1 practice to music
Combo 2 no music practice video
Combo 2 practice to music
Combo 3 no music practice video
Combo 3 practice to music
Combo 4 no music practice video
Combo 4 practice to music
Combo 5 no music practice video
Combo 5 practice to music
Combo 6 no music practice video
Combo 6 practice to music
Combo 7 no music practice video
Combo 7 practice to music
Warm up video
Cool down video
Module 6 Full body choreo workout
Practice to music choreographed full body workout
Module 7
Final exam
At the end of course there is an final exam. The exam includes 30 seconds video recording of practice of 3 body exercises of choice by students.
This is mandatory for those who want to secure a Internationally Accredited diploma(certificate). After the exam, the certificate will be available in IMG or PDF format at a cost of 10 euros sent by e-mail, or an original that can be sent by post at a cost of 35 euros,which the students will decide .